Product Management Conference 2024: the event that united Moldova’s PM Community
On December 7, at maib park, the third edition of Product Management Conference 2024 took place a remarkable event that exceeded expectations, inspired participants, and strengthened Moldova’s Product Management community. With over 250 participants, 8 speakers, and a panel discussion featuring representatives from maib, the conference provided the perfect platform for experience sharing and professional […]
We are hiring a Deeptech Manager!
BACKGROUND: Technovator is a non-profit organization with a strong vision of pushing the frontiers of innovations and providing the best talents to the market economy & society best talents that will ensure prosperity, sustainability, and agility. This engagement is realized by supporting tech entrepreneurial ecosystem development, the strong connections with the tech communities, and the access […]
After two sold-out editions, the Product Management Conference returns in 2024.
The 3rd edition of the Product Management Conference 2024 will take place on December 7th at maib park – an event designed to answer all the questions that keep Product Managers up at night. If you’re in Chișinău and want to improve as a PM, this is the place to be! After two sold-out editions, […]
DeepTech GigaHack winners: the results of 57 teams involved
48 hours of non-stop coding, coffee, and ideas that pushed the boundaries of creativity. This was the scene at Moldova’s largest hackathon – DeepTech GigaHack – where the best developers and tech enthusiasts came together to use their skills. The hackathon took place from September 27 to 29, with 57 teams entering the competition. However, […]
Digital Transformation Academy: Empowering Entrepreneurs for the Digital Future
The Digital Transformation Academy program was designed to tackle the challenges faced by Moldovan entrepreneurs and equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully navigate the digital age. This project, aimed to develop and implement a comprehensive digital transformation program, supporting entrepreneurs in adopting new technologies and enabling them to achieve their business […]
Aplică la Digital Transformation Academy
RO Într-o societate tehnologică, termenul de transformare digitală rămâne încă neclar pentru mulți antreprenori. Tocmai din acest motiv antreprenorii evită să inițieze acest proces în afacerile lor. Dar, este un lucru bine știut că astăzi, el trebuie să reprezinte prioritatea numărul unu. Mai ales în contextul unei ascensiuni accelerate a Inteligenței Artificiale, tot mai prezentă […]
Become Mentor or Trainer for Technovator’s Programs
Every active community player needs trustworthy people to join its initiative. As Technovator’s programs grow larger and more impactful every year, it’s the perfect time to call all industry experts to apply as mentors & trainers. At Technovator, we are calling on all professionals who want to educate and contribute to the new generation of […]
Technovator and XY Partners are co-organizing together the most promising event of the year – Tech Village 2024. TechVillage is a 3-day event for startups and investors that are tired of the conventional. It’s for those that are looking to interact and build lasting business connections in a new setting, with exclusive invites. Adventure, cultural […]
Pași siguri spre transformarea digitală a Republicii Moldova la UX4Gov Designathon
Atunci când ești frustrat că un serviciul public este complicat de accesat și deține o interfață complicată de navigat, trebuie să iai totul în mâinile tale! Așa au făcut cei 50 de participanți de la UX4Gov Designathon – un eveniment de tip hackathon, conceptualizat pentru a conecta designerii cu instituțiile publice. 11 echipe, 4 ateliere, […]
Digital Health Forum 2024
“Inteligența artificială” a fost cel mai căutat cuvânt în 2023. Astăzi, instrumentele AI, alături de alte inovații tehnologice devin puncte de interes și pentru domeniu medical. Integrarea tehnologiei în medicină se extinde spre domenii, cum ar fi telemedicina, robotică medicală, analiza datelor mari pentru predictibilitatea bolilor, diagnosticare și personalizarea terapiilor. Vă invităm să descoperiți o […]