success in numbers
Our proven track record
Our mission is to push the boundaries of innovation and cultivate exceptional talent for driving prosperity and sustainability in the market economy and society. We believe in the power of individuals and aim to foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. Through the organized events, programs, and initiatives such as hackathons, workshops, mentorship programs, and networking meetups we promote innovation and support the next generation of creative minds.
We also focus on ecosystem development, startup development in various verticals, and talent development in different areas . We aspire to expand regionally and share our expertise and value with similar countries to contribute to their growth and development.
Startups helped
Event participants
Reliable partners
Projects launched
48 hours of non-stop coding, coffee, and ideas that pushed the boundaries of creativity. This was the scene at Moldova’s largest hackathon – DeepTech GigaHack – where the best developers and tech enthusiasts came together to use their skills. The hackathon took place from September 27 to 29, with 57 teams entering the competition. However, […]
The Digital Transformation Academy program was designed to tackle the challenges faced by Moldovan entrepreneurs and equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully navigate the digital age. This project, aimed to develop and implement a comprehensive digital transformation program, supporting entrepreneurs in adopting new technologies and enabling them to achieve their business […]
RO Într-o societate tehnologică, termenul de transformare digitală rămâne încă neclar pentru mulți antreprenori. Tocmai din acest motiv antreprenorii evită să inițieze acest proces în afacerile lor. Dar, este un lucru bine știut că astăzi, el trebuie să reprezinte prioritatea numărul unu. Mai ales în contextul unei ascensiuni accelerate a Inteligenței Artificiale, tot mai prezentă […]
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