Our projects

BACKGROUND: Technovator is a non-profit organization with a strong vision of pushing the frontiers of innovations and providing the best...

The 3rd edition of the Product Management Conference 2024 will take place on December 7th at maib park – an...

48 hours of non-stop coding, coffee, and ideas that pushed the boundaries of creativity. This was the scene at Moldova’s...

The Digital Transformation Academy program was designed to tackle the challenges faced by Moldovan entrepreneurs and equip them with the...

RO Într-o societate tehnologică, termenul de transformare digitală rămâne încă neclar pentru mulți antreprenori. Tocmai din acest motiv antreprenorii evită...

Every active community player needs trustworthy people to join its initiative. As Technovator’s programs grow larger and more impactful every...

Technovator and XY Partners are co-organizing together the most promising event of the year – Tech Village 2024. TechVillage is...

Technovator a fost selectat prin concurs și are privilegiul de a gestiona componenta “Start în Business” a Programului de Educație...

About the Role Technovator is looking to hire a Project Manager for a full-time job in our team. This role...

Laboratorul de Inovații în Agricultură a debutat pe 29 mai, la Agrotek Arena, stabilind o platformă interactivă pentru schimbul de...

Moldova Digital Summit revine pe 6-8 iunie, mai grandios și mai ambițios! Sub sloganul “Powering a 100% digital tomorrow”, evenimentul...

Laboratorul de Inovații în Agricultură  Inovăm procesele, exportăm rezultatele!  Dragi producători locali de legume, în perioada 29 mai – 30...