Digital Transformation Academy: Empowering Entrepreneurs for the Digital Future

The Digital Transformation Academy program was designed to tackle the challenges faced by Moldovan entrepreneurs and equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully navigate the digital age. This project, aimed to develop and implement a comprehensive digital transformation program, supporting entrepreneurs in adopting new technologies and enabling them to achieve their business […]

Aplică la Digital Transformation Academy

RO Într-o societate tehnologică, termenul de transformare digitală rămâne încă neclar pentru mulți antreprenori. Tocmai din acest motiv antreprenorii evită să inițieze acest proces în afacerile lor. Dar, este un lucru bine știut că astăzi, el trebuie să reprezinte prioritatea numărul unu. Mai ales în contextul unei ascensiuni accelerate a Inteligenței Artificiale, tot mai prezentă […]

EIT Food opens its entrepreneurship programme applications for 2022

Applications to join the 2022 EIT Food entrepreneurship programmes are now open! EIT Food, the largest agrifood start-up community in Europe, is once again opening opportunities for like-minded entrepreneurs and innovators to commercially develop their innovations that are helping to transform our global food system. EIT Food programmes provide the opportunity for start-ups to gain […]