Copilot X Workshop for Developers

Attention, developers! Ready to enhance your coding skills? Want to boost productivity, spot and fix errors, and even simplify complex tasks such as regex operations? Enter Copilot X, your smart coding buddy. Join us for an exclusive offline workshop dedicated to exploring the cutting-edge tool Copilot X. Over a period of 4 hours, you’ll learn, […]

One summer weekend of Product Management Bootcamp, how it goes?

Moldova Product Management Bootcamp

The weekend of June 24-25, at FinTech Hub, product management enthusiasts gathered for an intensive and transformative experience at the Product Management Bootcamp. This two-day program was designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and industry insights needed to excel in the dynamic field of product management.  The event attracted over 30 participants, from […]

8 start-upuri din Moldova vor participa la TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco 2023

Antreprenorii din R.Moldova își vor prezenta ideile de afaceri inovative în cadrul unui eveniment important din industria tehnologică globală, TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco 2023.  Sinergia mai multor actori din R. Moldova contribuie la promovarea unui ecosistem de start-up vibrant, iar încurajarea acestuia să se dezvolte este susținută, inclusiv, prin participarea start-upurilor moldovenești la evenimente internaționale. […]

Technovator, partener al Conferinței AgTech 2022

Conferința AgTech, cel mai important eveniment din Moldova dedicat digitalizării agriculturii, urmează să se desfășoare anul acesta pe 3 martie. Cea de-a III-a ediție a unicii conferințe dedicate digitalizării agriculturii în Republica Moldova va fi organizată în cadrul Tekwill, în format hybrid (prezență fizică + transmisiune live video). Vă puteți înregistra în prealabil pentru participare […]

Technovator hires: Startup Education Manager

Background: Technovator is a private institution that brings together organizations, corporates, development partners, changers, experts and startups by developing various initiatives in the region of South-Eastern Europe for the development of innovative teams and startups. Technovator’s mission is to push the frontiers of innovation, and to provide South-Eastern Europe markets economies & societies with latest […]